Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Eco-friendly Waste Disposal.

In the days of electronic overload new products are coming out practically every day. So, if you feel it is time for an upgrade, what do you do with the old product?

Tossing it in the trash may seem like a simple solution. However, electronics such as computers, cell phones, and some televisions contain various toxins. For instance, cathode ray tubes (CRTs) found in computers and certain T.V.s contain heavy metals, such as lead and cadmium. These metals can be extremely harmful if they get into our water. There is also the danger of special plastics, used in most electronics, releasing particles that can enter the bloodstream.

There is currently no law in the United States addressing this issue. However, at the rate we replace electronics, the harmful materials could be accumulating as I write.

With that in mind, here are a few suggestions. Many cell phone and television companies can recycle your old phone or T.V. There are also a lot of cell phone drives in which you can donate your old phone. Similar to cell phones, many companies will take your old computer or hardware (small fess may apply.) The company will recycle or refurbish the item. There are also organizations that will gladly accept your old computer as a donation.

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